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10 Marketing Trends for Wineries

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Selling wines is not an easy job, now more than ever wineries have to determine consumption trends and master marketing to increase sales. Not only that wineries all over the World are competing against each other, but the consumers are changing as well. That’s why marketing “tricks” have to be in line with new consumer trends.

Result based on examined emerging consumers trends and present top 10 marketing strategies which wineries can use to boost sales.

Marketing is an exchange in which both sides gain.

#1 Adaption

In the 21st century is all about the individuality. Individuals are in the center and want the highest possible personalization. Creating unique products according to the customer’s needs and desires is essential. Therefore, wineries must become more consumer-centric to win new customers. Winemakers who have already detected that are now – for example offering bottles of wine with the label of customer’s identity.

Adapting the product to the consumer use and needs meets the need for personalization of the consumer.

#2 Transparency

Consumers are becoming more educated and picky, they make purchase decision only after they gather all the information about the product.

The consumer must have an easy access to the information about the product; the price list is a must have. Increased flow of online information enables consumers to quickly verify all the data, and compare products. Transparency applies also on traceability, as well as information on transport and storage.

So many winemakers have started to complement and specified the detailed list of the ingredients used in the production of wine, on their bottles. Since there are a lot of information, and no space on the bottle, make use of “QR code” where you can store all additional information and interesting facts consumers and customers may like to know about the product.

Photo (Shades of Green): Detailed information label on the wine bottle, together with the QR code.

#3 Authenticity and stories

People has always been interested in the background stories, stories hidden behind the product. Because it gives them an opportunity to experience the product on a different level. Today taste, smell, and appearance are not enough, products which evoke special feelings attract consumers. The story, give consumers an opportunity to experience the product on a different “subtle” level.

Story sell the product.

Given the fact that market is full of cheap products, local wineries can offer a unique alternative with their products. Local, high-quality raw materials, careful production, and interesting story are the key to boosting sales. At the moment marketing trends largely revolve around videos. So our advice for wineries would be to invest money in a good video story about vineyard, winemaking process and people behind the wine. And then “pack” the video into QR code on the back of the wine label.

There is no better way to experience wine when you get to know the story behind.

#4 Well-being

Consumers are in search for a balanced life. While seeking for a personal pleasure they are also interested in their own well-being, and thus the well-being of the whole local community, and the environment that surrounds them. Nowadays product must give the consumer a good, positive feeling – the feeling that their purchase contributes to something or/and someone.

The product which has a positive impact on the consumer health sells better.

#5 Environmental protection

As already mentioned consumers do care about the environment. In recent years sells of products which production and processing do not harm the environment to a bigger extent, have increased. Companies that care about the environment, climate change, animal welfare and are oriented towards workers well being, have bigger selling success.

The same goes for wines, consumers prefer to buy (and are even prepared to pay more) for natural, organic, low sulfite wines. Wineries which production of wines is nature-friendly, use less synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, recycle water, etc., sell more.

Photo: Different labels, which indicates that the product was produced in the environmentally friendly way.

#6 Millennials

Millennials or the Y-generation was born between 1981 and 2000 – currently ages between 16 and 35. They will soon represent the vast majority of working force in the world and therefore the main consumers. Millennials are the generation that has grown up with the IT technology and are skilled and confident in social networks. Unlike previous generations, the money is not so important to them, they are looking to the future with optimism and hope, appreciate challenges and are socially conscious. They are looking for alternatives in all aspects of their life – work, entertainment, eating, etc. Due to the fact that their consumption just started and will continue to grow over the next years, it makes sense to take a step closer to their needs and wishes now.

They are looking for packages suited to their nomadic lifestyles and the size of their wallets. As well as non-conventional wines all across the globe. Wineries, if you want to get closer to Millenials generation you can start by selling wine in smaller bottles (approx. 2 dl), the interesting funky label won’t hurt either. In France and Australia sells of “wine in tubes” which amount is equivalent to one glass of wine, is increasing. That kind of packaging can create added value, and in addition, small bottles are usually sold at a higher price. *We will write more about Millennials and their wine preferences in some other blog post.

#7 “Instant”

Consumers are impatient and want everything immediately. This also applies to the delivery of goods ordered over the Internet. Ordering products through online stores and mobile applications are growing year by year.

Wineries, if possible enable consumers to purchase wine through the online store and take care of a prompt delivery. Recent figures also show that more and more people browse online via mobile phones (this even exceeds the use of computers), so you might consider adjusting web page for browsing on mobile phones and enable a purchase of wine through mobile applications. Consider also the use of mobile applications which are tailoring wine purchase according to consumers needs, preferences, occasions, and meals.

#8 Specialization

In recent years there is a tendency in the belief that each one of us is special and gifted for something else. While on the other hand consumers feel that there is no variety in market supply – it seems that everyone sells the same things. So in response to that new restaurants and stores are emerging which offer a very small range of products and/or are specialized only for one product and/or segment. Consider whether a large assortment of products is necessary and economically feasible for your winery.

#9 Social Medias & Joining Market-oriented Competition

Social medias offer a new possibility of interact. On one hand, it gives companies an opportunity to easily segment consumers according to their personal information and purchase preferences, and enable the fast spread of media messages to a very large number of people. On the other hand, social networks allow consumers to communicate with the companies and verifying each and every information spread. While in “new” wine countries +80% of examined wineries communicate with their customers over social media in Europe the percentage is much lower: France 68%, Germany 34%, Hungary 35%, etc. So this advice goes more for wineries from “old” wine countries to start using social medias to spread their messages, interacts with customers, and most important let potential customer know about you. Include pictures and videos of the current situation of your vineyard, cellar, wines sales, etc. in your posts. Response to customer messages and let them know you are here for them. Social networks, which are currently most used by buyers of wines, as well as wineries, are: facebook, twitter, youtube, Instagram, as well as Pinterest and g +.

Joining Market-oriented Competition is one of the easiest way to get importers and distributors. Join now Singapore Awards 2020 here:

#10 Events

Drinking wine with friends, outside, while good music is playing somewhere behind, now that a blessing. Wineries, get close to your customers and prepare outdoor events or take part in the open events if possible. Yes, yes that’s not a new idea to spread the word and increase the sell, but still a very useful one. On this kind of events, you will be able to present yourself and make another step closer towards your customers and gain a new one. Don’t forget to be bold, use balloons, funny wine glasses, wallpaper, etc.

Six tendances pour inspirer le marketing du vin, Vitisphere
Wine Trend Predictions, CORAVIN
Presentation: Rainer Haas; Agrobiznis konferenca
Millennials and wine, thebacklabel
A cross-cultural comparison of social media usage in the wine business http://www.evineyardapp.com/

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